charis high academy

About Us


A child centred co-educational school based on Christian values to facilitate the holistic growth of each child with a strong sense of moral integrity and spiritual growth and habits of independence and self control. The encouragement of egalitarian and life-affirming Naga values shall inculcate the student with the spirit of community, co-operative learning, dignity of labour and social consciousness within and without the school. We have a commitment and responsibility towards the environment. We believe that every student can learn and learn best when actively engaged in a challenging and rigorous teaching-learning environment. A balanced curriculum supported by a competent faculty shall develop the intellectual and personal abilities of the student with respect for scholarship. This in turn will open up equitable access to local and global opportunities for the student. We have great concern for the physically and mentally challenged children in our society who are teachable. We will support their aspiration and abilities within a sensitize, inclusive and integrated environment in our school. The school offers opportunity for the development of character and self-esteem of every child, regardless of differences and background. The school is building a community of strong individuals possessing unique intellects and talents to shape future careers that will meet the needs of the global village we live in today.


Charis High Academy is an unaided Christian school. The school is managed by the Charis Educational Society, a non-Profit organization. The school is affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi.


The school is ready to assume its role as a quality learning centre with trained and equipped teachers and special educators. We shall also provide remedial classes whenever required. the background and experience of our faculty is capable of moulding the student’s character and intellect for life application. We lay great emphasis on the unbiased approach and openness of our teachers so that the full potential of every student is realised. The interactive classroom is what motivates our teachers while teaching.

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